we are walking into a nightmare
0 comment Wednesday, May 28, 2014 |
News that a record number of children are being taken into care. To quote from this BBC article:
Numbers have been rising since late 2008 and the infamous Baby P case involving the death of a toddler while on the at-risk register in London
"Nearly every child involved needs love, care and therapy, either back home or elsewhere," said Mr Douglas, chief executive of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service."All agencies need to factor in these much larger increases into their planning systems, resource allocations, workforce development strategies and service contracts, so that the most vulnerable children in the country continue to receive strong public services."This is the comment I made on the article (comments since disabled)
I am the mother of two adopted children who suffered neglect for over five years in their birth home. Although they are now 9 and 10 years of age and have been in our loving home for more than two years, they are left with the legacy of the damage done to their brain and nervous system in their early years. Our Son in particular is presenting with extreme emotional and behavioural problems. Despite this, our local authority, Birmingham will not assess him or provide therapy.
I am despairing with all these children coming through the system, just at a time when local authorities are cutting their funding to children's services. There will be many adoptive families left to deal with extremely damaged children without any professional support, just like we are right now.
This is a huge scandal of our time. It is estimated that already ONE THIRD of adoptions breakdown. That number is going to rise massively. We're walking into a nightmare.

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